Multifunction Lifeboat, Dinghy, Sailboat:
Live-aboards Teresa Carey and Ben Erickson Carey sent us this wonderful video about their Portland Pudgy. Lots of great sailing shots. Deliberately flipping the Pudgy (:33) and then easily righting it (2:00). Inflating the exposure canopy using the alternative method (hand pump) and using it as a dodger (1:15). Sleeping in the Pudgy. Lots of shots that show how stable and roomy it is. And lots just showing what a fun little boat it is.
Boating Local interviews David Hulbert, Portland Pudgy president, at TrawlerFest, Warwick, RI, July 2010.
Dinghy Motoring:
Noah Chalfant tearing along in his Portland Pudgy motorboat. Casco Bay, near Peaks Island, Maine.
Dinghy on Arm Davits
Here’s a look at the Pudgy on arm davits.
Dinghy Towing
Watch the Portland Pudgy skim along as it is towed through Glacier Bay, Alaska.
Dinghy Sailing
Here’s a video of the square head sail moving along nicely in light air. Courtesy of Pudgy owner Elliot R.

Portland Pudgy sailing dinghy tearing downwind along the coast of Long Island, NY.
This is the first Portland Pudgy sail rig: loose-footed gaff.

Trying out their new Portland Pudgy, Fiona, with its gaff rigged sail kit.

Happy guy in his Portland Pudgy sailing dinghy. Passing along the shoreline of a Mexican beach town and humming a tune. (Gaff rig.)

Up! In preparation for transatlantic balloon crossing with Portland Pudgy lifeboat as gondola, Jonathan Trappe spent 53 hours on the Pudgy without touching land. Mostly sailing (gaff rig).

Kids having fun in the Portland Pudgy sailing dinghy with the 2010 improved gaff rig. Pirates! They encounter another Pudgy with the old loose-footed gaff rig. Light wind. Pudgy owner B.J .Porter.
Dinghy on Cabin Roof
There are many ways to get the Pudgy on the cabin roof, including pulling it up with the halyard, or simply lifting it up.
This Pudgy owner uses a teeter totter system to get the Pudgy on and off the roof of his C-Dory. You can see the loading system in action beginning around the 4:13 point of this video taken by another C-Dory owner.
Dinghy Flying (Balloon Dinghy)
There aren’t a lot of flying dinghies in the world. We’re proud to say the Pudgy has soared to over 20,000 feet!

Jonathan Trappe, intrepid balloonist lifts off (in Portland Pudgy lifeboat gondola) for attempt at transatlantic helium balloon crossing.
Jonathan Trappe, balloonist, Portland Pudgy dinghy
NECN Interview with David Hulbert, re transatlantic balloon flight (interview starts at :25) 2013.
Most informative video about Trappe’s flight.
Portland Pudgy Adventure
Adventurer/explorer Igor Stropnik, of Slovenia, sailed his Portland Pudgy down the Adriatic coast. His journey took nine days, and he slept aboard the dinghy. He ingeniously rigged out his Portland Pudgy with a whisker pole and spinnaker.
Dinghy Righting
This video (around :35) gives an idea of how easy the Pudgy is to right.
Molding a Portland Pudgy Dinghy

At the rotation molder, a new Portland Pudgy dinghy comes out of the mold.