Sailing Dinghy Testimonials

Square head rig photo, sent by Kevin S. of California.

Gaff rig photo, sent by Gary C., of Maryland.

“I have had a great time sailing and exploring with our Pudgy since 2009 [four and a half years] and have sailed about 700 miles in her to date. Over that time, I have done many activities such as making charts etc… one of these was making a speed table for the pudgy… I took the true wind direction and speed when not moving before taking each set of data (course and speed), to make sure that the data is as accurate as possible. This is how I was able to get the heading and speed information relative to the speed and direction of the wind…To make the chart, I used a kestrel handheld anemometer, a Garmin GPS, and the pudgy’s own compass. By the way, I did well head to head against a 10′ walker bay a few months ago ;-)” Will P. (age 17), shown in slideshow above. Will clocked 4.7 knots with a reefed sail in 25 knot winds! Pretty good for a 7′ 8″ dinghy.
“I’m impressed, it’s more stable than I expected and certainly more stable than my International 14 [sailing dinghy] and despite the chop on the bay this weekend it never took water over the bow.” Ray C., Southampton, NJ
Elliot Rosen to Portland Pudgy June 30, 2015 ·Trying out the new sailing rig. Heads up remarkably well!— in Mill Cove, New Meadows River.
Our Putz-Sea, Tracie Wilson-Boyd to Portland Pudgy, April 15, Savannah Bight, Honduras

“By the end of the weekend I felt I had a pretty good idea how the Pudgy would handle and was very pleased with our purchase. She kept me dry the entire time (I had some light spray hit my face a couple times while sailing) and my street clothes were completely presentable at the end of each voyage. Handling was superb.” Mitch Z., MD.
“I am the most popular slip in the marina (in San Diego) because of the Pudgy. I enjoy sailing the Pudgy around the marina and the kids love to row and fish from it. Whenever we are using it a crowd gathers and I am bombarded with questions. The old salts ask about its stability, weight and design and most everyone asks “where can we get one”…We love our Portland Pudgy and highly recommend it to anyone.” Michael S., Phoenix, AZ

“GREAT FUN! just like being a kid again.” Craig H. MD. (photo above)

Fred E., of Texas, liked his first Pudgy, Mini Pearl, so much that he got another, which he christened Lemon Drop. He says he needed the second one so he could have sailing races with his friends!